What is Redux?
What is Redux?
- is an open source library made using the scripting language Javascript.
- primary use lies managing and centralizing (tập trung hóa) application state and
- it’s usually used along with Javascript libraries, for instance, React or Angular in order to
- build UIs(User Interface).
- It’s a predictable state container for application build using JS.
- It’s based on the flux design pattern.
- It’s very small in size (around 2KB) and ahs no dependencies.
What is Flux?
Flux is an application design pattern just like the MVC design pattern.
It’s nothing but a bew kind of architecture that components React and the concept of Unidirectional Data Flow.
The image given below shows how the workflow between dispatcher, store and views components with distinct inputs and outputs are in Flux.
Difference Redux vs Flux
Comparison parameter | Redux | Flux |
Number of store per application | includes a one store | includes multiple store |
Architecture | open-source JS libraries used for creating User Interface | is designed to build client-side web apps |
What is Redux in React js?
React to read data from a Redux Store, and dispatch Actions to the Store for updating the data
The purpose of Redux is to help applications scale well by providing means to manage the state via a unidirectional (một chiều) data flow model.
What do you understand about Redux Toolkit and Redux Thunk and Redux Saga?
- Redux Thunk for asynchronous logic (Redux middleware).
- Redux Saga is a middleware library (Redux middleware).
- use for side effect (call api, async await, setTimeOut, setInterval,…). build on generate function.
- making HTTP requests to external services, accessing browser storage, executing Input/Output operations and many more.
- takeEvery():
- takeLatest():
- take()
- put(): dispatch action.
- call(): exec function. If return promise, pause Saga until promise return result.
- race(): run async more side effect. but only get result for side effect the fastest and cancel result for side effect remaining.